I am Jeremy Loye, a Year 2 Computer Science student currently taking CS2103T. This page is written to detail my contributions to the project In-Credit-Ble undertaken in the module. I will be giving a brief introduction about the project, followed by describing my contributions to the project. Finally, I will be presenting the sections of the User and Developer Guide that I have documented.

PROJECT: In-Credit-Ble (Finance Tracker)


In-Credit-Ble is a desktop Finance Tracker that helps user to keep track of their finances and set budgets for themselves. We tailored it to users who wanted to manage their finance in a efficient and effective manner without any frills. It is made to cater for users who prefer typing over using the mouse since the App operates with a Command-Line Interface (CLI).

In-Credit-Ble was developed by a team consisting of me and four other students from the National University of Singapore as part of a Software Engineering module (CS2103T). Through the module, we adapted an existing Java codebase to develop our very own functional product, In-Credit-Ble, within the span of 13 weeks while learning basic software engineering concepts. In the subsequent sections, I will be documenting my contributions to this project through the major and minor features implemented for In-Credit-Ble.

Summary of Contributions

The Summary of Contributions will detail my meaningful contributions to the Project. Within this first section, I will detail the features that I have implemented as well as other project-related contributions in the way of Project Management and Community.

Contributed Features

Major enhancement: Implementing a Budget feature

  • What it does: The feature lets the user set a budget for the App to give themselves a target of how much to spend. Through the feature, the user can monitor their current expenditure based on the expense records they keyed in and check how close it is to reaching the budget they set in the Budget Panel of the User Interface.

  • Justification: The feature is part of the core of the App that my team was aiming at. It is essential in helping users to keep track of their overall expenditure and giving them a visible budget goal to work towards. Furthermore, the Budget feature forms the basis for the implementation of add-on budget features like the CategoryBudget.

  • Highlights of feature:

    • The budget of the Finance Tracker can be set rather easily with the set function and can be changed multiple times. Implementation of the feature is comprehensive, covering four major components of the Application. The commands are implemented in the Logic component along with the logic behind the execution of command and the Budget class itself is implemented in the Model component. The Storage part of the App saves changes to budget data in terms of current spending and budget set while the UI displays the budget to the user.

    • The current expenditure and budget is easily viewed in the Budget Panel of the App with a simple budget bar to show how much of the budget a user has currently spent. The data for current expenditure and budget is updated immediately each time a user sets a budget or keys in an expenditure.

Minor enhancements:

  • Changing data files for different users through setfile

    • What it does: The feature lets a user change the file that is used to read and store expense and budget data. Essentially, it allows a user to maintain multiple expenditure and budget profiles or for multiple users to use the same Finance Tracker without overwriting of each others' records.

    • Justification: It is limiting to just have one user profile when there could be multiple users of the same FinanceTracker app as multiple users cannot be tracked. A single user could want to maintain multiple FinanceTracker profiles for different purposes such as personal and business. Furthermore, since only one budget can be set per instance of the FinanceTracker App, different files can be used to keep track of budgets and expenses for different months.

    • Highlights of feature:

      • This feature is called by the setfile command. The command will load the file designated by the filename. If the file was not previously created, a default data set will be created.

  • Adding undo/redo support for commands that make changes to the FinanceTracker.

    • I have improved on the undo and redo commands provided by the original addressbook to support undo-ing and redo-ing of all the new commands added in the development of In-Credit-Ble that modify the FinanceTracker.

    • List of commands supported: set, allocate, spend, edit, delete, sort, reverse, setfile, clear, description

  • Improvement of Storage logic to store budget data

    • I added several classes to enable the Finance Tracker to store budget data in its data files. This ties in and supports both the Budget feature and setfile feature since it ensures that when the Finance Tracker is reloaded or the data file is changed, the user budget data remains and is loaded correctly.

Other Contributions:

Code Contributed:

All of my code contributions to the project has been collated by RepoSense and can be found here.

Project Management

  • Manging Issue Tracker

    • Managed issue trackers: To view the full list of issues I have managed, click this.


  • PRs Reviews: To view the full list of reviews that I made, click this.

Contributions to the User Guide

In this section, I will be displaying what I have written for the User Guide. The User Guide is an important document that assists new users in getting acquitted with our application so that they can operate it. It is important to make the User Guide reader-friendly to the less tech-savvy. Thus, I hope that I can demonstrate those skills in what I have written for the User Guide.

Setting a budget: set

You can use this command to set a budget for the current instance of In-Credit-Ble Finance Tracker.

Format: set $/AMOUNT


  • set $/500

  • set $/500.50

  • The budget set must contain a valid amount. A valid amount is a positive number with 0 or 2 decimal places. Amount entered cannot be larger than 100,000,000.

  • If you provide multiple amounts (e.g. set $/30 $/50), only the last amount you provided will be used to set the budget ($/50 in the example). Only the last amount needs to be a valid amount (e.g. set $/1a $/10 works while set $/10 $/1a does not).

  • If a budget was previously set, the old budget will be overwritten by the new budget specified by the set command.

  • The budget you set and current spending will be displayed in the Budget Panel.

  • You can only work with one budget for each instance of Finance Tracker. You are able to adjust this budget using the set command again by indicating a different amount.

  • If you want to have a new budget for a different month, you can use the setfile command detailed in Changing FinanceTracker data storage location: setfile.

  • The rationale is to keep the UI as clean as possible without extra panels for past budgets.

  • You can use allocate to set various category sub-budgets for categories.

  • Take note that you can spend over the budget set and set a budget lower than current spending. The rationale is for you to be able to see how much you have exceeded your budget set to better plan your expenditure in the future since the application is unable to stop you from spending.

  • The budget you set must be higher than or equal to the sum of the budgets allocated to individual category. The rationale is that it would be pointless to set an overall budget if individual category budgets are going to exceed it.

Changing FinanceTracker data storage location: setfile

You can change the file used to store the data of the application. Essentially, you can maintain multiple sets of expenditure and budget data for different users or profiles.

In addition, one user can also have multiple files for a recurring period (weeks, months etc.) for the user to manage their budget based on a time period of his/ her liking.

Format: setfile f/FILENAME


  • setfile f/Daily Expenses

  • setfile f/JohnDoe

  • setfile f/Personal Finances.April.2019

  • setfile f/Company June Petty Cash Finances

  • The filename should not contain any file paths (e.g. /data/file) or extensions (e.g. file.json). The filename must also be 250 characters or lesser and should not contain any special characters or be left blank.

  • If multiple filenames are provided (e.g. setfile f/file1 f/file2) only the last filename provided will be taken in as the filename (file2 in this example). Only the last filename needs to be a valid filename (e.g. setfile f/$file f/file works while set f/file f/$file does not).

  • If the file specified by the filename is the same as the current file, nothing will happen as the same file will be loaded. Refer to Figuere 22 if you are unsure of what your current file is.

  • If the file specified by the filename does not already exist or is corrupted, a new blank file will be created with no data in the Finance Tracker. Otherwise, the data stored in the file will be loaded into the Finance Tracker. The example below illustrates this.

Figure 1. Example of what happens when a existing file is loaded and when a new file is created.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

This final section will include the sections of my contribution to the Developer Guide. The Developer Guide is a document used to specify the design and implementation of our project for new developers to understand our codebase. Through my contributions to the Developer Guide, I hope to illustrate my capacity to write technical documentation that is comprehensive and easy to understand for new developers.

Due to page constraints, the following is not listed in this document: setFile Manual Testing

Setting a Budget

This feature allows the user to set a budget for the FinanceTracker. The budget can be changed by setting the budget again.

Given below is a sequence diagram and step by step explanation of how Finance Tracker creates a budget when the user uses the set command to set a budget.

Figure 2. Sequence diagram of user setting a budget
  1. The user enters a set command (e.g. set $/120). The command is passed down and received by the LogicManager.

  2. The LogicManger calls the FinanceTrackerParser#ParseCommand() method which creates a SetCommandParser object. The FinanceTrackerParser#ParseCommand() method then calls the SetCommandParser#parse() method, passing in the amount argument entered by the user ("120" in example).

  3. SetCommandParser#parse() calls ParserUtil#ParseAmount() to handle the parsing of the amount. The method checks if the argument is a valid amount value and throws an exception if it is not. If there are no exceptions, ParserUtil#ParseAmount() returns the processed amount string. SetCommandParser#parse() then creates a SetCommand with the processed amount ("120" in example) and the new SetCommand gets passed back to the LogicManager.

  4. Now that the command is processed, LogicManager#execute() calls SetCommand#execute() to execute the command. SetCommand#execute() creates a new Budget object initialised with the amount (budget of 120 created in example). The Budget object (labelled p) is then passed to the ModelManager by the ModelManager#addBudget() method.

  5. ModelManager#addBudget() calls FinanceTracker#addBudget() to update the budget of the current instance of the Finance Tracker. FinanceTracker#addBudget() updates the TotalBudget object field (labelled q) in FinanceTracker by calling TotalBudget#updateBudget() and passing the Budget p and the records stored in the FinanceTracker.

  6. TotalBudget#updateBudget() first checks whether the new budget set is more than or equal to the sum of the category budgets and throws an exception if it is not. It then gets the budget data (totalBudget, currentBudget) from Budget p and sets it using TotalBudget#set() (total budget of app is now 120 in example). It then updates the current budget and spending based on the records that was stored and passed in by the FinanceTracker. This is shown in the code snippet below:

    public void updateBudget(Budget budget, ObservableList<Record> records) throws
                CategoryBudgetExceedTotalBudgetException {
            Double totalCategoryBudget = 0.0;
            for (CategoryBudget cb: this.categoryBudgets) {
                totalCategoryBudget += cb.getTotalBudget();
            if (budget.getTotalBudget() < totalCategoryBudget) {
                throw new CategoryBudgetExceedTotalBudgetException(budget, totalCategoryBudget);
            set(budget.getTotalBudget(), budget.getCurrentBudget());
  7. Once TotalBudget q has finished updating, control is passed all the way back to SetCommand#execute() which will create a CommandResult (labelled result). The result is passed back to LogicManager#execute and all the way to the user to show that the budget has been set (Budget set to 120 in example).

  8. Although not shown in the diagram, the UI is then updated with the new budget. The UI update of budget data will be covered in Updating the UI with Budget Data.

Design Consideration

Aspect: Updating budget data after Record updates
  • Solution 1: Maintaining one updateBudget method to update current expenditure and budget left based on iterating through changed record list.

    • Pros: Easier to implement and manage a single method.

    • Cons: Updates for even single addition/edit/deletion of record could be slow if record list gets too large.

  • Solution 2: Maintain individual methods for each update of budget data (add/edit/remove records) (Current Implementation)

    • Pros: App would run updates faster with more targeted methods.

    • Cons: More code and test cases to be written to implement and maintain several methods for updating budget.

Updating the UI with Budget Data

Previous sections have covered how the budget of the Finance Tracker is updated within the App. This section aims to give a overview of the logic for updating the User Interface of the App to reflect the budget updates to the user.

To explain the update, an Activity Diagram accompanied with a step-by-step walk-through is proved. The Activity Diagram is modelled after MainWindow#execute() which calls the appropriate methods to update the budget UI.

Figure 3. Activity diagram of the UI being updated after budget data changes
  1. The command is first executed by the LogicManager. The execution of commands will update the budget data in the Finance Tracker as specified in previous sections. The success message of the command is then displayed to the user (Result of command that user typed).

  2. There is then a conditional check on whether the command has changed the budget data (Based on CommandResult passed back from command execution). For brevity and based on the scope of the section, the other conditional checks for the command will be excluded. List of Commands that change budget: spend, edit, delete, set, allocate, clear, setfile, undo, redo

  3. When it has been determined that the command has altered budget data, 3 components of the UI need to be updated before continuing. If you are unfamiliar with the components of the UI, refer to the Graphical User Interface section of our User Guide.

    1. BudgetPanel: The BudgetPanel consists of 2 sections, the Budget Bar and the text below the bar. The bar and text is updated with data retrieved from the Logic component of the App, with the changes to Budget Bar being animated. The colour of the bar is then set based on the difference in current spending and total budget set (Red: Budget Exceeded, Yellow: Spending is >= 80% of budget, Green: Spending is <80% of budget).

    2. Browser Panel: The BrowserPanel only contains text and is updated similar to the text in the BudgetPanel.

    3. Summary Panel: The SummaryPanel consists of a pie chart. If the updated budget data shows no expense recorded within the specified time period, text explaining that there is no recorded expenses is shown to the user instead. Else, the summary data is updated and the pie chart is edited to reflect changes in the expenditures. Refer to [Summary] for a more detailed explanation of the implementation of the feature.

  4. After the UI is updated, there is another check to see if the command given was summary. If it was, the current Panel being displayed (BrowserPanel or SummaryPanel) is swapped to the other panel. Again, refer to the Summary section below for more implementation details.

  5. The method ends by returning the CommandResult that was returned from the execution of command to the MainApp.