By: Team W17-3 Since: March 2019 Licence: MIT

1. Introduction

Welcome to the In-Credit-Ble User Guide! In-Credit-Ble is a desktop application designed to help university students who have difficulty managing their finances due to their many daily transactions. It is also important for these students to manage their finances due to their inflexibility to spend frivolously as they lack a formal income.

In-Credit-Ble provides you with features such as having a budget bar to show how much you have spent compared to a budget that you have previously set, and showing of a summary of your transactions in a pie chart. Our user-friendly interface will make it easier for you to see how much you can safely spend within your budget and be more aware of your spending habits. If you are an individual who prefers to type using a Command Line Interface(CLI), then In-Credit-Ble is the application for you!

This user guide shows you how to get started using In-Credit-Ble. It also provides in-depth documentation on the different features and shows you how to perform basic In-Credit-Ble operations.

2. Quick Start

Follow these steps to get In-Credit-Ble up and running on your computer in no time!

  1. Ensure you have Java version 9 or later installed in your computer. You can download and install the required Java Development Kit here

  2. Download the latest In-Credit-Ble.jar file here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your finance tracker.

  4. Double-click the file to start the application. The GUI should appear in a few seconds as shown below. The In-Credit-Ble finance tracker is loaded with example expense records and budget is still not set.

Use the clear command to remove all the example expenses to start a new Finance Tracker with no entries.

Figure 1. UI upon launching the application

  1. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window and show the list of commands.

  2. Some example commands you can try:

    • help : opens the In-Credit-Ble user guide.

    • set : sets the total budget for Finance Tracker.

    • allocate : allocates budget to a certain category (within the total budget).

    • spend : adds an expense record to the Finance Tracker.

  3. Refer to Section 4, “Features” for details of each command.

3. Graphical User Interface Introduction

This section will explain to you the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of In-Credit-Ble Finance Tracker. The theme of the application has been set to Light, which is different from the start up theme Dark.

GUI Diagram
Figure 2. Graphical User Interface (When starting up)

GUI Diagram2
Figure 3. Graphical User Interface (Upon using summary command)

There are a total of 7 elements in the Graphical User Interface in In-Credit-Ble Finance Tracker as denoted by the different coloured boxes above. The elements will be explained below.

Menu bar
Figure 4. Menu Bar

This element is denoted by the pink box.

The menu bar can be used to:

  • Exit the program under File tab.

  • Open the Help page to view commands available under Help tab.

  • Change the colour theme of the application under Theme tab.

3.2. Records List Panel

Record List Panel
Figure 5. Record List Panel: Shows a list of your expense records

This element is denoted by the yellow box.

In the Record List Panel, the list of all your expenditures are recorded here. This panel is scrollable to view all your expense records.

To find specific entries based on name, category or date, use the search command. To list all your expense records again after searching for particular records, use the command list.

Each record is tagged with an index number before the record name. The index is used in commands such as delete, edit and select.

3.3. Budget Panel

Figure 6. Budget Panel: Shows your total spending against the total budget that you set

This element is denoted by the green box.

The budget panel gives you a simple yet effective overview of the total expenses spent so far against the budget that you set for yourself.

As you add more expense records into the finance tracker, the budget panel will change colour according to how close you are to your budget.


  • set command to see how to set a budget in the finance tracker.

  • spend command to see how to add expense records into the finance tracker.

BudgetPanel Orange
Figure 7. Budget progress bar turns orange to give a warning that you have almost reached your budget

BudgetPanel red
Figure 8. Budget progress bar turns red to give a warning that you have exceeded your budget.

  • The budget progress bar will be green if you are still within your budget as shown in Figure 6.

  • The budget progress bar will turn orange if your expenditure is above 80% of your total budget as shown in Figure 7.

  • The budget progress bar will turn red if your expenditure exceeded your budget as shown in Figure 8.

3.4. Browser Panel

Figure 9. Browser Panel: Shows the budget left, total budget and your current spending.

This element is denoted by the brown box in Figure 2.

The browser panel gives you a numerical summary of your total budget. The current budget shows how much more you can spend before you hit the budget that you have set.

The current budget will show a negative number should you exceed your budget to let you know the amount you have exceeded the budget that you set for yourself.

3.5. Summary Panel

Figure 10. Summary Panel: Shows you a pie chart illustration of your current expenses

This element is denoted by the red box in Figure 3.

The summary panel gives you a visualisation of the summary of your current spending so far in different categories. To change the browser panel to summary panel, use the summary command. To change back to the browser panel, simply enter the summary command once again.

3.6. Command Box and Result Display

commandbox resultdisplay
Figure 11. Command Box and Result Display

These elements are denoted by the black and blue boxes in Figures 2 and 3 respectively.

The command box is the place for users to type in their commands. Refer to Section 4, “Features” for details of each command.

The result box displays the results after each command is executed. This is where the allocated category budgets will be shown when show command is executed.

Figure 12. Status Footer Bar

This element is denoted by the purple box in Figures 2 and 3. The left side of the status footer bar shows the time and date of the last update to the finance tracker. The right side of the status footer bar shows where the storage file for the updated data is saved to.

4. Features

This section describes the various features In-Credit-Ble has to offer. Examples are also included to give you step-by-step instructions on how to use the different commands.

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. in set $/AMOUNT, AMOUNT is a parameter which can be used as set $/200.00.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g search FLAG KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] can be used as search -cat clothes or as search -name cake lunch.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.

  • If you provide more than the number of specified parameters (e.g. set $/500 $/400 or spend n/Chicken n/Duck $/10 $/20 c/Food c/Lunch), the latest parameter is taken (e.g. Budget is set to $400, Record added is Name: Duck, Amount: $20, Category: Lunch).

4.1. Budget Management

4.1.1. Setting a budget: set

You can use this command to set a budget for the current instance of In-Credit-Ble Finance Tracker.

Format: set $/AMOUNT


  • set $/500

  • set $/500.50

  • The budget set must contain a valid amount. A valid amount is a positive number with 0 or 2 decimal places. Amount entered cannot be larger than 100,000,000.

  • If you provide multiple amounts (e.g. set $/30 $/50), only the last amount you provided will be used to set the budget ($/50 in the example). Only the last amount needs to be a valid amount (e.g. set $/1a $/10 works while set $/10 $/1a does not).

  • If a budget was previously set, the old budget will be overwritten by the new budget specified by the set command.

  • The budget you set and current spending will be displayed in the Budget Panel.

  • You can only work with one budget for each instance of Finance Tracker. You are able to adjust this budget using the set command again by indicating a different amount.

  • If you want to have a new budget for a different month, you can use the setfile command detailed in Changing FinanceTracker data storage location: setfile.

  • The rationale is to keep the UI as clean as possible without extra panels for past budgets.

  • You can use allocate to set various category sub-budgets for categories.

  • Take note that you can spend over the budget set and set a budget lower than current spending. The rationale is for you to be able to see how much you have exceeded your budget set to better plan your expenditure in the future since the application is unable to stop you from spending.

  • The budget you set must be higher than or equal to the sum of the budgets allocated to individual category. The rationale is that it would be pointless to set an overall budget if individual category budgets are going to exceed it.

4.1.2. Allocating budget based on categories: allocate

You can use this command to set a budget for a category in In-Credit-Ble Finance Tracker.

Alias: allo

Format: allocate $/AMOUNT c/CATEGORY


  • allocate $/50 c/Dining

  • allocate $/100 c/CloThEs

  • allocate $/100.10 c/FOOD

  • allo $/123.10 c/GiRLfrIEND

  • Amount entered cannot be larger than 100,000,000.

  • Category name can only be one word (no spaces allowed).

  • If you provide multiple categories (e.g. allocate $/50.00 c/Food c/Clothes), only the last category you provided will be taken (in the previous e.g., the command will set budget for Clothes category. Your last category must be of the correct format (see below).

  • Category names are case-insensitive. (e.g. CLotHes, clothes and CLOTHES refer to Clothes).

  • If a budget was previously set for the category, the old category budget will be replaced by the new allocate command.

  • The category budget that you allocate should be more than current spending in that category as it would not make sense to set a budget that is below the amount that you have already spent on that category.

    For example, if you have spent $50.50 on the cateogry Food, you will receive an error message when you try to allocate $40.00 to the category Food.

  • Category name supplied must be alphanumeric and cannot contain special characters such as :<>;\/|?~^%$@#.

  • For you to see the category budgets and the current spending in each of the allocated category budget, use the show command shown in the next section.

You can still spend over the category budget set. The rationale is for you to be able to see how much you have exceeded your budget allocated in that category so that you will be able to better plan your expenditure in the future.
(For e.g. if you allocated $50.00 to Clothes and have yet to spend anything in the category, you can still spend more than $50.00 after setting the category budget.)

However, if you have already spent an amount in the category, but have yet to set a budget for the category, it would not make sense for you to set a budget smaller than the current spending in the category. Thus an error message will be shown in Result Display if you attempt to do so.

4.1.3. Showing allocated budget and spending in categories: show

You can use this command to see your current spending and the category budget allocated in In-Credit-Ble Finance Tracker.

Alias: showCatBudget

Format: show, showCatBudget


  • The following example will show you an example of what will be listed given the following budget allocation and expenditure in the following categories:

    • set $/500

    • allocate $/100 c/CloThEs

    • allocate $/100.10 c/FOOD

    • allo $/123.10 c/GiRLfrIEND

    • spend n/Buffet $/50.00 c/Food

    • spend n/Versace Jacket $/95.00 c/Clothes

    • spend n/Girlfriend gift $/99.99 c/Girlfriend

    • show

  • The following will be displayed on the Result Display
    (See Graphical User Interface Introduction (GUI) if you are unsure of the elements of the GUI):

show example
Figure 13. Example of show command
  • The category budgets will be shown with the latest allocated category budget in the Result Display.

  • If there are no category budgets allocated yet, the result display will display a message to let you know.

4.2. Expense Entry Management

4.2.1. Adding an expense: spend

You can keep track of how much you have spent by adding an expense entry to In-Credit-Ble.

Alias: add



  • spend n/cake $/5.50 d/15/03/2019 c/Food r/Birthday celebration

  • spend n/movie $/10 d/16/03/2019 c/Entertainment r/Avengers: End Game

  • If you provide multiple categories (e.g. spend n/Tshirt $/10.00 d/31/03/2019 c/Food c/Clothes), only the last category you provided will be taken (In the previous e.g, the command will add expense for Clothes category).

  • Category names are case-insensitive. (e.g. CLotHes, clothes and CLOTHES refer to the same category and will be shown with the first character in uppercase and the rest of the characters in lowercase. In the above example, it will be shown as Clothes.)

  • Category name supplied must be alphanumeric and cannot contain special characters such as :<>;\/|?~^%$#@.

  • Date cannot be a date in the future. Addition of future expenses are not allowed.

  • If no date is inputted, current local date will be used instead.

  • Name, category and description inputs are limited to 40 characters each.

  • Amount entered cannot be larger than 100,000,000.

  • Order of the different parameters does not matter.

4.2.2. Editing an entry: edit

You can easily edit any part of an existing entries in In-Credit-Ble.
Index refers to the index number shown in the list.

Alias: e



  • edit 2 $/10.10

  • edit 1 n/burger c/Food

  • edit 1 r/Best meal I have ever eaten

You can remove the description of any entries by inputting an empty parameter for description.

Example of removing description:

  • edit 1 r/

Figure 14. Example of removing the description from entries
  • INDEX here refers to the index number shown in the displayed records.

  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • INDEX must be within the total number of records that are displayed.

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Name, category and description inputs are limited to 40 characters each.

  • Amount entered cannot be larger than 100,000,000.

  • Date inputted cannot be a date later than the present date.

  • Order of parameters inputted does not matter.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

4.2.3. Selecting an entry: select

You can select an existing entry in the records to view its details by specifying the entry’s index number.

Alias: sel

Format: select INDEX


  • select 3

  • INDEX here refers to the index number shown in the displayed records.

  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

4.2.4. Deleting an entry: delete

You can delete an entry in the record by specifying the entry’s index number. Deleted entries can be recovered via the undo command.

Alias: d, del

Format: delete INDEX


  • delete 2

  • INDEX here refers to the index number shown in the displayed records.

  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • INDEX must be within the total number of records that are displayed.

4.3. Records Management

4.3.1. Listing all entries: list

You can see all the entries you have entered, as long as they are not deleted entries.

Alias: l, ls

Format: list

4.3.2. Searching an entry based on name/category/date: search

You can easily search for entries in the records using a name, category or date as keywords. The total sum of money spent on all the results of the search will also be shown.

Make use of the list command to show the full list of entries again after filtering the entries using the search command.

Alias: find



  • search -cat Accessories

  • search -name cake bread

  • search -date 10/10/2001

Figure 15. Example of searching the a long list of records by the category "Accessories".

The total amount of money spent on the searched entries will also be shown in the result display.

Figure 16. Total spent on searched records shown in result display.
  • FLAG here refers to either -name, -cat or -date.

  • Only one flag should be provided.

  • If you do not input parameters after the flag, the search result will return with empty list.

4.3.3. Sorting the entries according to name/amount/date/category: sort

You can choose to sort the list of entries by name, amount, date or category.
Sort has effect on the entire list of entries (instead of a filtered list).

Format: sort FLAG [ORDER]

  • FLAG here refers to either -name, -amount, -date or -cat.

  • Only one flag should be provided.

  • [ORDER] refers to either -asc or -desc.

    • -asc for ascending order.

    • -desc for descending order.

  • [ORDER] is optional. If not supplied, default ordering is implied.

  • Order of parameters supplied matters. (FLAG must be before ORDER)

Examples (default ordering) (See Figure 17 below):

  • sort -name:
    Sorts the list of records by name in lexicographical order. (ascending order)

  • sort -amount:
    Sorts the list of records by amount from largest to smallest.(descending order)

  • sort -date:
    Sorts the list of records by date with the latest at the top. (descending order)

  • sort -cat:
    Sorts the list of records by category in lexicographical order. (ascending order)

Figure 17. Examples of sort command (sorted by name, amount, date and category respectively, default ordering)

More examples:

  • sort -name -desc:
    Sorts list of records by name in reverse lexicographical order.

Figure 18. Name sorted in descending order

To sort any list conveniently in the reverse order, use the reverse command!
(eg. sort -name,
List will be sorted by name in reverse lexicographical order.)

4.3.4. Reversing the entries: reverse

You can also reverse the order of the list of entries in the records.
See Figure 19 below for an example.
Reverse has effect on the entire list of entries (instead of a filtered list).

Alias: rev

Format: reverse

Figure 19. Name sorted in descending order

4.3.5. Showing summary of records: summary

You can see the summary of your previous expenditures represented as a pie chart, with each sector representing a category. Each sector is labelled with name and total expenditure for the category, allowing you to have a clear overview of how your spending habit is like.

By default, In-Credit-Ble will display the browser panel when you first open the application. Entering the summary command in the command box will allow you to switch from the browser view mode to the summary view mode, as shown in the diagram below.

Figure 20. Summary panel is displayed when user enters the summary command

You can also specify a report period by stating the number of days or months via the PERIOD_AMOUNT and PERIOD parameters. PERIOD_AMOUNT refers to a positive integer, whereas PERIOD refers to a "day" or "month", represented as "d" and "m" respectively. However, these parameters are optional.

To exit the summary view mode, simply type summary in the command box again. Your screen should change back to the browser view mode as shown in the diagram below.

summaryUI 2
Figure 21. Exits from summary view mode when user enters the summary command again

Alias: overview

Format: summary [ #/PERIOD_AMOUNT ] [ p/PERIOD ]

  • If a period is not specified, then the summary will show a default report period of the last 7 days.

  • Deleted entries are not included in the summary.

  • Adding more entries while in the summary view mode will update the pie chart statistics automatically, as long as the expense falls within the specified report period

  • For best viewing experience, add up to 8 categories. Beyond that, not all labels may appear on the pie chart due to space constraints. However, the legend will still display the expenditure for all categories added.


  • summary:
    Shows summary of expenses in the past 7 days.

  • summary #/3 p/d:
    Shows summary of expenses in the past 3 days.

  • summary #/7 p/m:
    Shows summary of expenses in the past 7 months.

4.4. Miscellaneous

4.4.1. Changing FinanceTracker data storage location: setfile

You can change the file used to store the data of the application. Essentially, you can maintain multiple sets of expenditure and budget data for different users or profiles.

In addition, one user can also have multiple files for a recurring period (weeks, months etc.) for the user to manage their budget based on a time period of his/ her liking.

Format: setfile f/FILENAME


  • setfile f/Daily Expenses

  • setfile f/JohnDoe

  • setfile f/Personal Finances.April.2019

  • setfile f/Company June Petty Cash Finances

  • The filename should not contain any file paths (e.g. /data/file) or extensions (e.g. file.json). The filename must also be 250 characters or lesser and should not contain any special characters or be left blank.

  • If multiple filenames are provided (e.g. setfile f/file1 f/file2) only the last filename provided will be taken in as the filename (file2 in this example). Only the last filename needs to be a valid filename (e.g. setfile f/$file f/file works while set f/file f/$file does not).

  • If the file specified by the filename is the same as the current file, nothing will happen as the same file will be loaded. Refer to Figuere 22 if you are unsure of what your current file is.

  • If the file specified by the filename does not already exist or is corrupted, a new blank file will be created with no data in the Finance Tracker. Otherwise, the data stored in the file will be loaded into the Finance Tracker. The example below illustrates this.

Figure 22. Example of what happens when a existing file is loaded and when a new file is created.

4.4.2. Viewing help: help

Forgotten which commands to use? You can easily find the commands you need to navigate the software by using the following command:

Format: help

4.4.3. Undoing previous command : undo

You can restore the program to the state before the previous undoable command was executed.

Alias: u

Format: undo


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

  • select 1
    The undo command fails as there are no undoable commands executed previously.

  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

Undoable commands:

  • commands that modify the finance tracker’s content
    (set, allocate, spend, edit, delete, sort, reverse, setfile, clear).

4.4.4. Redoing the previously undone command : redo

You can reverse the most recent undo command.

Alias: r

Format: redo


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)

  • delete 1
    The redo command fails as there are no undo commands executed previously.

  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the clear command)

4.4.5. Changing theme of application: theme

You can change the theme of the application with pre-set colour themes specified.

Alias: colour

Format: theme COLOURTHEME


  • theme DARK

  • theme BLUE

  • theme pink

  • Valid themes include: Dark, Light, Blue, Pink

  • The theme name is case-insensitive. (BlUE, BLUE, blue or blUE etc. all refer to Blue)

  • You can also change the theme of the application by choosing the theme under the menu bar.

  • You cannot undo/redo this command.

Figure 23. Menu Bar with Theme tab

4.4.6. Listing entered commands: history

You can list all the commands you have entered in reverse chronological order.

Alias: h, hist

Format: history

4.4.7. Clearing all entries : clear

You can delete all existing entries in the records and reset your budget (both total and category) to $0.00.

Alias: c, clr

Format: clear

4.4.8. Exiting the program : exit

You can quit the program at any point in time when you use this command.

Alias: quit

Format: exit

4.4.9. Saving the data

The finance record and allocated budget will be saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need for you to save manually.

4.5. Upcoming Features

4.5.1. Login Feature [coming in v2.0]

In-Credit-Ble will implement a login feature so that your data and personal finance records will remain safe and secure. Your personal data will be encrypted and stored in your own account that can be secured with a password.

With this feature, multiple users will be able to use In-Credit-Ble on the same computer without being able to access or modify each other’s data.

4.5.2. Enhancements to Summary Feature [coming in v2.0]

Instead of the current pie chart, In-Credit-Ble's summary feature will display an overview of your expenditures as an Aster Plot chart instead, as shown in the diagram below.

Figure 24. Example of Aster Plot Graph

This will make it more effective in showing the user what is the remaining budget amount for each category. It also allows users to easily perceive whether their spending is within their budget for each category.

4.5.3. Enhancements to UI to allow CategoryBudgets to be shown [coming in v2.0]

Instead of using the show command to list the category budgets in the Result Display, In-Credit-Ble's allocate command will immediately display the category budgets allocated on another Panel known as CategoryBudget Panel in v2.0 of In-Credit-Ble.

We will have separate budget bars (similar to the one in Figure 6) within this panel for each category which will fill up as the user enters more entries for the corresponding category.

4.5.4. Separate expenditures based on methods of payment (Cash, Visa, DBS PayLah) [coming in v2.0]

In-Credit-Ble will collaborate with secure methods of payment to allow tracking of your cashless transactions. These include, but not limited to, payment services such as DBS PayLah, Visa/MasterCard, Amex and Paypal.

By paying through these third-party applications, your transactions will automatically be updated and recorded as entries in In-Credit-Ble.

4.5.5. Establish saving patterns based on record and derive projected savings/expenses in a time span [coming in v2.0]

Your monthly finance records will be archived at the end of the month. This information will be used to derive the projected savings and expenses of future months, based on analysing your spending patterns.

You will be able to list categories of financial articles that you are interested in (e.g. investment, stock market, taxes). Based on these categories, In-Credit-Ble will use Google API to search for related articles for you to view.

5. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?

A: You can install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous In-Credit-Ble folder.

Q: Will the application support different currency?

A: At the current version, the application is unable to support transactions record in different currency. You will need to calculate and enter your input based on your local currency.

In-Credit-Ble aims to support multi-currency transactions in v2.0.

6. Command Summary

All of In-Credit-Ble’s commands are listed here!

6.1. Budget Management

Command Command Format Alias Example

Set budget

set $/AMOUNT


set $/500

Allocate budgeting based on categories

allocate $/AMOUNT c/CATEGORY


allocate $/100 c/Shopping

Show allocated category budget and spending




6.2. Expense Entry Management

Command Command Format Alias Example

Add expense

spend n/NAME $/AMOUNT [d/DATE] c/CATEGORY [r/Description]


spend n/movie $/10 d/16/03/2019 c/Entertainment r/Avengers: Endgame

Edit an entry

*At least one of the optional parameters must be entered.


edit 1 n/burger c/Food

Select an entry

select INDEX

s, sel

select 3

Delete an entry

delete INDEX

d, del

delete 2

6.3. Records Management

Command Command Format Alias Example

List all entries


l, ls


Locate entry based on name, category or date



search -cat Food

Sort the entries based on name, category, date, amount

sort FLAG* [ORDER]**


sort -name

Reverse all entries




Show summary of records

summary [#/PERIOD_AMOUNT] [p/PERIOD]


summary #/5 p/d
Shows summary for past 5 days

*Valid flags: -name→ Name; -cat → Category; -date → Date; -amount → Amount (only for sort command);

**Valid orders: -asc → ascending order; -desc → descending order

6.4. Miscellaneous

Command Command Format Alias Example

Set data file

setfile f/FILENAME


setfile f/finance





Undo previous command




Redo previously undone command




Change colour theme of application



theme light

List entered commands


h, hist


Clear all entries


c, clr


Exit the program




*Valid colour themes: light, dark, pink, blue;

7. Glossary


The amount of money for expenditure and budget.


The category that an entry belongs to.


A listed item/activity tracked by the application. It generally consists of the name, amount, date, category and with an optional description field.


The list of all entries stored in the application.